New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Cut back alcohol in a warm and supportive app

Show HN: Cut back alcohol in a warm and supportive app
6 by francoisboulais | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I've always been a heavy drinker and tried multiple time to cut back alcohol, but failed every time. As a mobile developer, I had the idea to create a dedicated app to track alcohol consumption in quick and fun way. That's why I've developed Drylendar, an iOS app translated in French (I'm French) and English that allows people to track their drink every day in a beautiful calendar. To help people staying motivated, I've added medals to unlock and possibility to add friends to share calendars and positive energy. My app is available on App Store for 10 days, and it's been 215 days that I didn't drink alcohol at all, I've never felt healthier & happier!
