New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: GoGoBrowse – A Peer to Peer Web Browser

Show HN: GoGoBrowse – A Peer to Peer Web Browser
2 by ddj231 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN! GoGoBrowse is a side project I've been working on that allows 2 users to browse the web together while voice chatting. It's a proof of concept for a new model of browsing the web I've been thinking about. My thought is that before a leap to a 3D Metaverse, we need a 2D Metaverse, which is simply social web browsing. I wrote more about it here: Though the goal of an entirely social web browser is still quite a ways off, I think of this as a small first step in that direction. I'd love any feedback on the app itself, and the general concept of social web browsing.
